view @ 31:9905d4ae351c

Fix continuos loop of update checks if the refresh cache interval is 0 If the interval for refreshing the cache is set to 0 each check for available updates refreshes the cache and causes an "updates-changed" signal to be emitted after a short delay which in turn triggers another check for updates. The "updates-changed" signal does not actually mean that the number of available updates has changed but rather that the package metadata cache has been invalidated. Fix this by blocking the "updates-changed" signal handler from when a periodic or irregular check is started until 4 seconds after it has finished. This is necessary since the signal will be delivered with a delay after a transaction has been completed. In addition prevent checks for updates triggered by the "updates-changed" signal from refreshing the cache even the interval is 0 since the emission of the signal implies that the cache has just been refreshed.
author Guido Berhoerster <>
date Thu, 29 Aug 2019 13:48:47 +0200
parents adba37525ee5
line wrap: on
line source

/*** BEGIN file-header ***/
#ifndef	PUI_TYPES_H
#define	PUI_TYPES_H

#include <glib-object.h>

/*** END file-header ***/

/*** BEGIN file-production ***/

/* enumerations from "@filename@" */
/*** END file-production ***/

/*** BEGIN value-header ***/

#define	@ENUMPREFIX@_TYPE_@ENUMSHORT@	(@enum_name@_get_type())
GType	@enum_name@_get_type(void) G_GNUC_CONST;
/*** END value-header ***/

/*** BEGIN file-tail ***/

gchar *	pui_types_enum_to_string(GType, gint);


#endif /* !PUI_TYPES_H */
/*** END file-tail ***/