view js/background.js @ 54:ede87e1004f9

Fix issues with feed detection Query the feed probe content script for available feeds from the background script instead of making the content script message the background script. This solves a race condition between the message from the content script sending any feeds associated with the current document and the tab's status "complete" event signaling that a new document has been loaded and hiding the page action. Sometimes that event would be triggered after the message from the content script and thus hide the page action again. In addition, navigating back to a previously visited page might not cause a reload which means that the content script would not send a message if there were feeds associated with the current document.
author Guido Berhoerster <>
date Thu, 26 Sep 2019 23:11:18 +0200
parents 586eebf8efb7
children fc5fca9af05f
line wrap: on
line source

 * Copyright (C) 2018 Guido Berhoerster <>
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at

'use strict';

import * as feedParser from './feed-parser.js';
import {renderFeedPreview} from './feed-preview.js';

        title: 'Feedly',
        urlTemplate: ''
        title: 'FlowReader',
        urlTemplate: ''
        title: 'InoReader',
        urlTemplate: ''
        title: 'Kouio',
        urlTemplate: ''
        title: 'My Yahoo',
        urlTemplate: ''
        title: 'Netvibes',
        urlTemplate: ''
        title: 'NewsBlur',
        urlTemplate: ''
        title: 'The Old Reader',
        urlTemplate: ''
const FEED_MAGIC = [
var tabsFeeds = new Map();
var tabsFeedPreviews = new Map();
var fetchingFeedPreview = fetch('web_resources/feed-preview.xhtml')
        .then(response => response.text());
var feedPreviewOptions = {
    expandEntries: false

function parseContentType(header) {
    let contentType = {
        mediaType: '',
        charset: 'utf-8'
    let parts = header.toLowerCase().split(';');
    contentType.mediaType = parts.shift().trim();
    for (let parameter of parts) {
        let [, name, value, ] = parameter.trim().split(/([^=]+)="?([^"]*)"?/);
        if (name.toLowerCase() === 'charset') {
            contentType.charset = value.toLowerCase();

    return contentType;

async function handleFeed(inputText, tabId, url) {
    // fast-path: eliminate XML documents which cannot be Atom nor RSS feeds
    let inputTextStart = inputText.substring(0, 512);
    if (!FEED_MAGIC.some(element => inputTextStart.includes(element))) {
        return inputText;

    let feed;
    try {
        feed = (new feedParser.FeedParser).parseFromString(inputText, url);
    } catch (e) {
        if (e instanceof feedParser.ParserError ||
                e instanceof feedParser.UnsupportedFeedTypeError) {
            // let the browser deal with non-well formed XML or XML documents
            // which are not supported Atom or RSS feeds
            return inputText;
        throw e;
    console.log(`parsed feed ${url}:\n`, feed);

    // mark this feed preview for content script injection
    tabsFeedPreviews.set(tabId, url);

    // render the preview document
    let feedPreviewDocument = new DOMParser()
            .parseFromString(await fetchingFeedPreview, 'text/html');
    renderFeedPreview(feedPreviewDocument, feed,

    return new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(feedPreviewDocument);

browser.webRequest.onHeadersReceived.addListener(details => {
    if (details.statusCode !== 200) {
        return {};

    let contentTypeIndex = details.responseHeaders.findIndex(header =>
   === 'content-type' &&
            typeof header.value !== 'undefined');
    if (contentTypeIndex < 0) {
        // no Content-Type header found
        return {};
    let headerValue = details.responseHeaders[contentTypeIndex].value
    let contentType = parseContentType(headerValue);
    // until content handlers become available to webextensions
    // ( intercept all
    // responses and change the content type from application/atom+xml or
    // application/rss+xml to application/xml which will then be probed for
    // Atom or RSS content
    switch (contentType.mediaType) {
        case 'application/atom+xml':
        case 'application/rss+xml':
        case 'application/rdf+xml':
        case 'application/xml':
        case 'text/xml':
            // non-XML media type
            return {};
    console.log(`response is an XML document\n`,
            `media type: ${contentType.mediaType}\n`,
            `charset: ${contentType.charset}`);

    let decoder;
    try {
        decoder = new TextDecoder(contentType.charset);
    } catch (e) {
        if (e instanceof RangeError) {
            // unsupported charset
            return {};
        } else {
            throw e;
    let encoder = new TextEncoder();
    let inputText = '';
    let filter = browser.webRequest.filterResponseData(details.requestId);
    filter.addEventListener('data', ev => {
        inputText += decoder.decode(, {stream: true});
    filter.addEventListener('stop', async ev => {
        let result = await handleFeed(inputText, details.tabId, details.url);

    details.responseHeaders[contentTypeIndex] = {
        name: 'Content-Type',
        value: 'application/xml;charset=utf-8'

    return {responseHeaders: details.responseHeaders};
        {urls: ['http://*/*', 'https://*/*'], types: ['main_frame']},
        ['blocking', 'responseHeaders']);

browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener((request, sender, sendResponse) => {
    // popup querying feeds

browser.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(async (tabId, changeInfo, tab) => {
    if (changeInfo.status !== 'complete') {
        // hide the page action when the URL changes since it is no longer
        // valid, it will be shown again if the content script detects a feed

    if (tabsFeedPreviews.get(tabId) === tab.url) {
        // inject content script once if the requested URL is a feed preview
        browser.tabs.executeScript(tabId, {
            file: 'content_scripts/feed-readers.js'
    } else {
        // query available feeds
        let feeds = await browser.tabs.sendMessage(tabId, {});
        if (feeds.length > 0) {
            tabsFeeds.set(tabId, feeds);
            console.log(`detected feeds in tab ${tabId} for ${tab.url}:\n`,
        } else {
            console.log(`no feeds detected in tab ${tabId} for ${tab.url}\n`);
}, {properties: ["status"]});

browser.tabs.onRemoved.addListener((tabId, removeInfo) => {

browser.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(async details => {
    if (details.reason === 'install' ||
            (details.reason === 'update' && details.previousVersion < 2)) {
        let {feedReaders = []} = await'feedReaders');
        let feedReadersSet =
                new Set( => feedReader.urlTemplate));
        for (let feedReader of FEED_READERS_PRESET) {
            if (!feedReadersSet.has(feedReader.urlTemplate)) {
        console.log('set feedReaders to', feedReaders);{feedReaders});
});'feedPreview').then(({feedPreview}) => {
    if (typeof feedPreview !== 'undefined' &&
            feedPreview === Object(feedPreview)) {
        feedPreviewOptions.expandEntries = !!feedPreview.expandEntries;
});, areaName) => {
    if (areaName !== 'sync' || typeof changes.feedPreview === 'undefined') {

    let newValue = changes.feedPreview.newValue;
    if (typeof newValue !== 'undefined' && newValue === Object(newValue)) {
        feedPreviewOptions.expandEntries = !!newValue.expandEntries;