diff _locales/de/messages.json @ 10:ff5e5e3eba32

Implement feed subscription for web-based feed readers Add options page for configuring web-based feed readers which allow for subscribing to feeds via GET requests. Track tabs containing feed previews and inject a content script which retrieves the configured feed readers and keeps them in sync.
author Guido Berhoerster <guido+feed-preview@berhoerster.name>
date Fri, 07 Dec 2018 23:00:41 +0100
parents 1c31f4102408
children 688d75e554e0
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/_locales/de/messages.json	Tue Nov 27 16:05:14 2018 +0100
+++ b/_locales/de/messages.json	Fri Dec 07 23:00:41 2018 +0100
@@ -4,9 +4,17 @@
         "description": "Name of the extension."
     "extensionDescription": {
-        "message": "Signalisiert verfügbare RSS und/oder Atom Feeds und zeigt eine Vorschaui an.",
+        "message": "Signalisiert verfügbare RSS und/oder Atom Feeds und zeigt eine Vorschau an.",
         "description": "Description of the extension."
+    "feedReaderSelectionLabel": {
+        "message": "Abonnieren mit",
+        "description": "Label for the feed reader menu."
+    },
+    "subscribeButtonLabel": {
+        "message": "Jetzt Abonnieren",
+        "description": "Label for the subscibe button."
+    },
     "defaultFeedTitle": {
         "message": "Feed ohne Titel",
         "description": "Default title for feeds."
@@ -30,5 +38,57 @@
     "filesTitle": {
         "message": "Mediendateien:",
         "description": "Title of the list of media files."
+    },
+    "feedReadersTitle": {
+        "message": "Feedreader",
+        "description": "Title of the feed reader options."
+    },
+    "feedReaderMoveUpButton": {
+        "message": "Rauf",
+        "description": "Label of the button for deleting a feed reader up."
+    },
+    "feedReaderMoveDownButton": {
+        "message": "Runter",
+        "description": "Label of the button for moving a feed reader down."
+    },
+    "feedReaderRemoveButton": {
+        "message": "Entfernen",
+        "description": "Label of the button for deleting a feed reader."
+    },
+    "feedReaderAddButton": {
+        "message": "Hinzufügen",
+        "description": "Label of the button for adding a feed reader."
+    },
+    "feedReaderTitleLabel": {
+        "message": "Titel",
+        "description": "Label of the text input field for the feed reader title."
+    },
+    "feedReaderTitlePlaceholder": {
+        "message": "z.B. My Feed Reader",
+        "description": "Placeholder displayed in the text input field for the feed reader title."
+    },
+    "feedReaderUrlTemplateLabel": {
+        "message": "URL-Vorlage",
+        "description": "Label of the text input field for the feed reader URL template."
+    },
+    "feedReaderUrlTemplatePlaceholder": {
+        "message": "z.B. https://feedreader.example.org/?subscribe=%s",
+        "description": "Placeholder displayed in the text input field for the feed reader URL template."
+    },
+    "feedReaderUrlTemplateCaption": {
+        "message": "URL zum Abonnieren von Feeds mit einem Platzhalter %s, der durch die Feed-URL ersetzt wird.",
+        "description": "Caption for the the text input field for the feed reader URL template."
+    },
+    "invalidURLError": {
+        "message": "Bitte eine gültige URL eingeben.",
+        "description": "Error message if the subscription URL template is invalid."
+    },
+    "invalidProtocolError": {
+        "message": "Bitte eine URL eingeben, die entweder das HTTP- oder HTTPS-Protokoll nutzt.",
+        "description": "Error message if the protocol of the subscription URL template is neither HTTP nor HTTPS."
+    },
+    "missingPlaceholderError": {
+        "message": "Bitte die URL zum Abonnieren von Feeds eingeben, die einen Platzhalter \"%s\" für die URL das Feeds enthält.",
+        "description": "Error message if the placholder is missing from the subscription URL template."